26 December, 2019

2020 - More of the same?

The wider implications of our collective decisions are not unknowable. Unintended consequences are the natural result of concentrating decision making into an ever smaller group of people who have very little real connection to the millions of people their decisions impact upon.

The foundation of our present day modern world is your individual human nature. Not our collective human nature but yours. It is perhaps difficult to believe but how you percieve the world creates the world.

More of the same, is the few (and fewer) making more and more decisions that benefit fewer and fewer of everybody else. This has always lead to a 'reset' that Historians call 'Wars'.

The real problem is our own individual human natures. We are all capable and competent until we aren't. Then fear can quickly erode our confidence and abilities. Once even a low level of fear takes hold we ought to acknowledge this fear and deal with it according to our own principles. Far too often, we listen to those in 'authority'.

I could argue that 'authority' only exists to ease the fear of the many. I could give thouands of examples but you will already have your own opinion and no number of examples will change that. I just ask that you give it some thought.

Those in 'authority' must ensure that fear is continually supplied and that they can and will reduce that fear. This is human nature. A plumber is someone in authority, they will use low level fear to get you to use their services instead of watching a youtube video and doing it yourself. Electricians do the same thing, as do car mechanics. Very quickly, those in authority join forces to reinforce the message that you need them. Eventually, the guilds and associations get big enough to be helpful to a political party and then have laws eased into existence which makes it illegal for you to wire up someone elses house, replace a worn clutch or whatever. You could call this progress.

Anything that is born of fear is something to be very wary of indeed. Even something born of love needs to be monitored in case fear starts to take hold. Just beacuse something was started with good intentions does not mean its continued existence is not based on fear.

Fear is the main tool for suppressing our individual human natures and coercing us into going along with the 'mainstream'. Fear is the main tool of anybody in any position of authority. As soon as you realise this you can work on reducing your own fear responses to those in 'authority'.

Without an automatic fear response to parents, teachers, bosses, police, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, bank managers or whoever you can increase your own abilities and competencies. You can listen, decide and act. There is no motivation to listen and obey. There is no reason to listen and obey. You simply decide to act in accordance with your own principles.

With each of us making our own decisions we will quickly reach an equilibrium with those around us. Unintended consequences are quickly felt and dealt with. This may lead to a lot more small acts of annoyance and aggression. However, world wars or civil wars are never going to happen.

The individual choice is one of conquering fear or being subtly (or not) manipulated by those in 'authority'.

I mentioned earlier that your world changes when you do. Imagine, just for a moment, that you are free from fear. This doesn't mean you don't feel fear but that you are sensitive to it. Perhaps you are driving at night and see blue flashing lights and hear a siren. You may feel a brief stab of fear but as you pull over you are calm and relaxed. Now you no longer fear for what you may or may not have done. You simply want to know why your journey has been interupted. This difference is huge. In one scenario you give your power to the police. In the other, you retain all your power.

Unless you (the reader) make a change, you will get more of the same and that is your choice.

What exactly is more of the same?

Speaking collectively, 'wealth' and 'power' will continue to be 'centralised'. These three concepts form what we call our 'modern society'. Modern society confuses bank credit with wealth. Modern society confuses power with laws and legality. Modern society is based on fear.

More fear. More fear. More fear.

More fear leads to fewer and fewer 'good' choices.

To be a 'good' member of society, you will need to disagree with this post.

The 'alternative' is to be a 'good' human being. Wealth is whatever you deem it to be, knowledge, friends, experience, self awareness, competencies, abilities or whatever. Power is that which you are capable of personally wielding or persuading others to wield on your behalf. Laws and legalities fade into basic commonsense.

A human being has a far wider range of choices than a member of society simply because fear restricts a member of society.


Most of the time, most of us run on auto-pilot. We react and respond according to how we usually act and respond.

Some of the time, we behave as human beings as fear is completely absent and we are deciding on how to act rather than just reacting on auto-pilot.

The majority of us will act as members of society, some of the time, believing that we submit a little of ourselves for the general good. We would do no such thing if we believed we submit a little of ourselves for the benefit of a few.

Self awareness

Basically, the entire blog post is not about the future of our society but about the readers self awareness. Knowing when you are on auto-pilot or acting out of fear, are the first steps to understanding yourself and then you will readily understand those about you and then the world.

The suggested sequence is self awareness, awareness of others and then understanding society.

You are welcome.

01 December, 2019

Brave New World

There is a major difference between knowing and understanding.

Knowing is a safety blanket.

Understanding is elusive and ever changing.

To begin the journey from knowing to understanding, we must shed our fear.


A personal example would be my 42 year quest to become fitter and stronger. The last six months of which have seen me change from knowing a great deal about health and fitness, to better understanding my own health and fitness.

41 years and six months of knowledge acquisition and training versus six months of listening to my body, trusting my own eyes and adapting my training to suit me.

Guess which has yielded results? (Answer:- I have had more gains in the last six months than the previous 41.5 years.)

This 'understanding' thing is far from easy.


Let us imagine a world where the safety blanket of knowledge is shed as we enter adulthood. Fear of missing out, fear of being wrong, all fears are acknowledged and accepted. We each trust ourselves, our own eyes, our own ears and our own unique and developing understanding of the world and our place within it.

This would be a Brave New World. For this world to exist, everybody or even most people are not required to embrace it. Only one person need do it, if that person is you.


Let us call that my Christmas message and everyone is invited to read it regardless of beliefs.

It is a distillation of my books, blog posts and fifty years of wonderment.

You can call it whatever you wish.

Take care
