21 September, 2017

Who am I? (Prepare yourself for some Zen.)

I am a mixture of ancient monkey brain and human being. The two cannot be separated.

I am a complex system of processes within a complex system of processes. The two cannot be separated.

What we believe about ourselves and the universe is just that, a belief. From this belief we have grown massive governments and too big to fail banks. Common sense has been suspended.

I am someone who was born but I have not been comfortable with what most call the real world. Your so called real world is a truly unbelievable fairy tale for adults.

In your world, human beings infest this planet and we need governments and banks to provide and enforce a system of rules, otherwise we would have anarchy and destroy everything.

Really? Under the illusion of keeping you safe our governments declare war on other governments and develop ever more devastating weaponry. There is no logic or common sense to this real world. This real world is a manifestation of our ancient monkey brains. Our inner monkey needs to know who is their superior and who is their inferior. From this we spend fortunes stopping people consuming certain drugs and confiscate wealth via taxes from people consuming other drugs.

Government is legalised theft and banking is legalised theft. I have explained this many times.

So what is the real real world? This is the world we create from the human portion of our brain. It is family and groups of families known as communities. Either in the same physical location or on-line.

Again, these two worlds exist together and cannot be separated.

My problem is with balance and harmony. Common sense dictates that we need a balance but the monkey part of our brain is dominant within our society. I use the word society deliberately. If our human brain was allowed to flourish, then we would have a civilisation. Of course, we do have both a society and a civilisation and this is common sense. We just do not have a balance.

Society has massive government and too big to fail banks. It has achieved this by over stimulating the monkey portions of our brain and by fooling us into believing that we are each alone in a vast universe, a frightening thought which does stimulate the ancient legacy systems of our brains, the part I call the monkey.

This is both true and not true. People are part of the universe.

Allow me to tell you who you are. Initially the universe was simple. There was nothing. Then 'bang' or six days later or whatever, the universe was born. The universe is what it is and was created. We have all deliberately forgotten to remember or even notice what the universe is doing. Common sense must prevail. You know what the universe is doing. It is evolving. It is dynamic and it has a job to do. Clearly, the universe is striving to create ever more complex systems. Now, on this ball of rock that we call Earth, the universe has created what we call life. Even a single celled organism is a fantastically complex system of processes. The universe, quite obviously, did not stop there. The universe strives towards creating evermore complex systems. It does this because that is what it does. Creation is the purpose of the universe. Whatever, you wish to believe is fine. The universe is what it does. A creator of increasingly complex systems. Human beings are part of the universe. As are rocks and bananas. The universe is everything, both known and unknown. Human beings are continuous with the universe as are rocks and bananas. E=mc^2

I will quickly explain the e equals mc squared equation. It states that energy is the same as mass (multiplied by a very large number). There is a vast amount of energy in all matter. You can view matter as solidified energy. However, it isn't. You can view matter as crystallised energy. However, it isn't.

Matter or mass or physical things are simply a form of energy. The universe is striving to form its undifferentiated energy into ever more complex energy systems. The universe has spent a great deal of time and effort creating a rock from what was nothing. The universe has relentlessly striven to create and to create ever more complex energy systems. A rock isn't separate from the universe. It isn't a frozen chip of energy outside of the universe. A rock is still a rock. The universe deliberately created the rock. The rock is still part of the universe. The rock is an energy system which is part of a larger energy system which is part of a larger energy system. And so on.

Man is also part of the energy system. Man is a complex system of energy within a complex system of energy and so on. The rock, you and the universe are all part of the universe and its continued efforts to produce more and more complexity.

Man should not feel alone. He is part of everything and connected to everything via both seen and unseen, both simple and complex, both known and unknown energy systems. Our purpose in life is the same as the universes because we are one with the universe. As is the rock and banana.

The single great truth that we strive so hard to not remember. The great truth that we are determined to never acknowledge is known. Alan Watts who died when I was four, revealed this truth to me via youtube earlier this week. We are part of the universe, we are part of the plan of the universe. A rock is just a rock. A man is just a man. But there is more, so much more. The rock is an energy system. Man is an energy system. The rock is an integral part of the whole universe as is man. The point I am labouring towards is that man has eyes, which are complex energy systems. The universe created the rock of itself and the rock is still of the universe. This is common sense, at least to me. What is also obvious, the universe can observe the rock through our eyes.

That last sentence is crucial. Not only are all the energy systems connected and part of the same initial undifferentiated energy. The universe sees through our eyes. It feels through our emotions and our tactile sensory systems. We are instruments of the universe for the universe. We are incredibly sensitive but only to a very narrow range of energy. Sound waves and visible light rays only. We cannot detect radio waves, or ultraviolet or infrared. Cosmic rays, gamna rays and xrays are not something that we can detect. But, as the universe created us we created tools too.

There you have it. We are the universe and the universe is us. As is the rock and the banana.

Now back to my favourite topic, governments and banks. These deny complexity. They try to manage complexity, first by assuming that the complex is not complex. Well, that only works over very narrow ranges. We are more complex than that, so governments and banks will fail, probably together as they share the same view of us. The strange view that we are not complex energy systems that the universe has created as tools in its quest to produce ever more complexity.

So I am me but I am so much more than just me. I am a complex energy system that exists within loop after loop of ever more complex energy systems. The universe exists to do what it does, develop ever more complex energy systems. I am a complex energy system developed by the universe, of the universe for the universe. I am the eyes of the universe. The universe is able to view itself through my eyes. As it does and can through yours.

Man is both an individual and a cognitive tool of the universe. When I gaze into your eyes I see myself reflected in them. Well, I would because the universe sees through all our eyes.

You are you and so much more.

Thoughts are also systems of energy. As are our eyes. The universe can see through our eyes and be connected to our thoughts. We are individuals but also the same and all separate and all connected.

We do deserve a far better balance of society and civilisation. We do deserve to treat each other better and be more sensitive to our environments because we are all of the universe and the universe exists within us. Our purpose is the same as the rock and the banana and the universe because we are all the universe. Our purpose is obvious, it is to create. Feel free to update the common sense portion of your brain.

There you go, I have told you who I am, who you are and your purpose. Crack on.

Just be. Enjoy being. When the mood takes you, allow the universe to create something through you. Or, create something for the universe. Or a loved one. The universe and the loved one are one and the same.

Have fun but do take care

18 September, 2017

You, the Rothschild, the C.I.A. and the Illuminatae ('them')

It is my intention with this post to shine a light into a dark and frightening place where our collective enemies plot against us. Now, depending upon your perspective, these people are the shadowy forces behind government, a cabal of billionaires, C.I.A. / Mossad, the Rothschilds, the Illuminatae, or informally as 'them'. Who 'they' are depends upon who you believe 'they' are. Mr Hitler was absolutely convinced that 'they' were jews. In this post, i will reveal two secrets, who 'they' are and why 'they' exist. My reason for doing this is simple, once we truly understand who 'they' are, we can take away their power and control over us. This will require some effort.

At this point, you may be wondering who I am. How do i know such things. Am I credible? This is understandable, 'they' have conditioned you to be this way. Make it your intention to consider this post, to think and ponder about this post, rather than the author.

Secret number one
'they' do wield a vast amount of power. A frightening amount of power. 'they' do exert control over us, both directly and indirectly. 'they' do have significant control over our education, wealth, and our government's. I will name a few of them in this post.

The power 'they' yield is formidable and can be frightening. However, I ask that you do not simply have an automated choice of fight or flight. We have been conditioned to regard stories of 'them' as conspiracy theories and not to take them seriously. Those who do believe can become frightened and desperate, calling those who do not believe in 'them' as sheep or simply not awake. Many people take great comfort from being 'awake', a great start to understanding. A small number of these people strap explosives to themselves to trigger in public places or deliberately drive vehicles into crowds. The third choice to fight or flight is to choose to not react. There is a fourth choice. This blog encourages a fourth choice, critical thought.

If you are suddenly confronted with a lion, fight or flight is the way to go.
In most situations, ignore or critical thought will serve you far better than a overly excited flight or fight response.

It is important to recognise that virtually all the power that 'they' yield existed before 'they' existed. 'they' merely use this power against us. This is where we could start discussing good and evil. However, we can only judge the intentions of our own actions. Even then, most of us are not self aware enough to do even that simple a task. So, don't consider 'them' to be good or evil, simply accept 'they' exist and choose to severely limit their power and control over us.

If we simply define 'them' as individuals or groups that take advantage of a vast pool of pre-existing power, we are beginning to understand 'them'. We do not need to think of them as evil. One such person is Stephen King. He writes horror stories. He successfully taps into this vast pool of pre-existing power. He most likely does this because he enjoys it. He has many fans who also like reading his books. Is he one of 'them'? According to my simple definition above, YES. Does it matter, NO. Is he a problem or enemy, NO.

So who 'they' are is unimportant. 'they' probably do not recognise themselves as 'them'.

Governments are often called 'them'. Tony Blair is often referred to as one of 'them'. Governments do use this vast pool of power against us. Theresa May and Hillary Clinton are currently using this vast pool of power against us. One scaring us with increasing the terror threat level, the other with tales of Putin and Trump conspiring against her and the American people. Remember, we can choose to dampen our fight or flight reflexes. We can choose to ignore or to critically think.

I have now named three of 'them'. May, Clinton and King. Do they know that they are 'them'. That depends solely upon their level of self awareness, awareness of  the intentions of those close to them and of their intended impact upon society at large and their reaction or otherwise to the unintended consequences of their actions.

Just to be clear, 'they' will always exist. Removing individuals, certain clubs, thought tanks and other organisations is a pointless waste of effort.

Secret three is a weapon, a defensive weapon. This weapon cannot be defeated, ever. This weapon can, if wielded properly, reduce the power of 'them' to more or less nothing. The power of this defensive weapon is massive. It is not the equivalent of turning an AK47 into a water pistol, it turns an AK47 into a crayon drawing of a water pistol made by an average four year old. Something to put on a fridge door. Not something to have a flight or fight reaction about.

The secret is not a word, a phrase or even a mythical object. The secret is made up of three elements.

Mindfulness of self

Awareness of others

Demands of society

Once the three elements are understood, as one. The vast pool of power that 'they' appear to control becomes yours.

Written differently, you can become one 'of them'. At this point, don't expect to become a recipient of a membership and benefits card. No, you will simply become the real You. The You you would be without 'them' holding you back. Or not, as always you are allowed a choice, or free will as it is mockingly referred to by some of 'them'.

Either way, you get to decide who You are and the power to realise it.

Finally, you determine if the concepts and ideas that you perceive from this rather repetitive assortment of shapes that we call letters are of any benefit to you on your quest to become You.

With time and effort you really can become You.

Take from this text only that which you can use and adapt on your endless journey to become You, the rest of the text is inconsequential.

Take great care of yourself, whilst I attempt the same.

16 September, 2017

Monthly Musing

There doesn't appear to be much awareness as to dangers of government surveillance. We are told that this surveillance protects us from terrorists. What we are not told is that it is another method of control.

Again, I am putting forward views that will immediately clash with the vast majority of peoples core beliefs. Logically, this is due to the fact that if everyone had core beliefs similar to mine we wouldn't have too big to fail anything and mass surveillance.

It won't always be this way. Anyway, please allow me to present another 'truth' regarding mass surveillance. Let us assume that without public confidence in the full faith and credit of the United States the dollar crashes in value and that this impacts upon all global trade and currencies in a massively negative manner. That is my stated assumption. The assumption need not be true but based on that assumption I can state, simply, that close monitoring of the public's perception of the dollar is vital.

Now there are two ways of monitoring public perception. There is the method that the British Secret Service taught the American Secret Service, which is through massive data collection and developing the tools to search through this data. This is what is known as miss direction. The system works, in theory only, but in practice over time three important things occur. The first is that more and more data is required, hence the ever increasing mass surveillance. The second is that this gets increasingly more expensive. The third is that regardless of how fast resources flow into such an undertaking, it's effectiveness diminishes. In Engineering terms, it is an utter waste of time and effort. It is a scandalous waste of resources. In the spy world, it is a splendid wheeze.

Regardless, the American Secret Service can now actively monitor their general population and note any special interest in key words, such as explosive. Thus indicating they might be a terrorist. Or they could just be playing a particularly tricky computer game and are asking for tips on defeating the end of level boss. In my example, the key word could be inflation. Or more likely a number of key words. Thus the American Secret Service can produce reams of data that the federal reserve can use to tailor their communications policy.

Thus, we can see that the American public can be carefully managed by those with access to the mass surveillance machinery.

J Edgar Hoover had a much smaller surveillance system but he used it to control key figures not everyone. The much larger surveillance system can easily be used on individuals, in the same way as Hoover used his. Blackmail, coersion and the like but information without someone like Hoover wielding it is just data.

The mass surveillance is believed by those who wield it to be an effective form of control of the general population. It is, up to a point.

A useful analogy would be a kettle. A kettle is turned on to heat some water. Steam starts to be emitted by the kettle. Mass surveillance is a tool that can, initially stop the steam exiting the kettle. Eventually, more and more control is needed to prevent the steam escaping from the kettle. Ultimately, more energy is spent containing the steam than heating the water. BANG, the kettle explodes. Who could possibly see that coming? Well, me and the British Secret Service.

In summary, the three reasons for not allowing mass surveillance are
It is a spectacular waste of finite resources
It is used to both monitor and manage the populations core beliefs
It attempts to control forces that will ultimately overwhelm it in an explosive manner

Here I use the word explosive to refer to a collapsed time frame. In other words, changes that would happen naturally over many years, happen in hours instead.

For the hard of understanding, some major change that impacts upon our core beliefs can readily be accommodated over a number of years. An abrupt change that happens in hours is likely to promote fear and panic that will do more damage than the change itself.

I hope you found this interesting, worthy of additional thought and perhaps something to discuss and develop with a friend over a nice single malt?

Perhaps it is becoming clearer to you as to why I write this blog?

I am on your side, whoever you are.

In the above analogy, I am attempting to be the pressure release valve.

Those of you with flexible minds and advanced reading skills may have noticed that I wrote 'two methods' of monitoring public perception and only wrote about one. The one that wastes hundreds of billions of dollars annually. The other method costs just millions of dollars but does need intelligent intelligence officers with a rare individual, such as myself, at the helm.

Anyway, you might not get what you pay for but you do get what you deserve.

10 September, 2017

Pension crisis? What pension crisis?

Imagine 80 workers and 20 retirees. The workers produce more than enough for themselves and the retirees. The workers can easily 'save' for their own retirement.

How about 60 workers and 40 retirees? The workers must be far more productive to produce enough for themselves and the retirees, much more.

In the first example, 1/5 of everything is 'sold' to the retirees.
In the second example, 2/5, of everything is bought by the retirees.

The retirees, are simply taking twice as much from each worker, in the second example.

Now, in a simple society, this is understood. The workers are being far more generous than those who came before them.

In our society, the workers simply need to work harder. The retirees believing the workers to be lazier than they ever were.

Now, in the second example, the workers will really struggle to save enough for their pension whilst supporting the retirees. This ought to mean that the value of pension products falls, dramatically. In the above example, pension product values should more than half.

That would certainly be called a pension crisis. 40 retirees living on what previously 15 retirees had.

So are we now in a pension crisis?

Yes. It started a while back, with a big upset in 2007/2008 which we didn't call a pension crisis because those in charge lied, lied then lied some more.

Central banks are now buying a vast amount of pension products at three times their actual value, to maintain and increase their price.

This is most unfortunate. It works for a while. Far longer than is prudent. The cost of this delay of a pension crisis is going to be beyond imagination. Or perhaps not. The consequences are revealing themselves but we are ignoring them or blaming terrorists or Trump or Putin or the North Korean gentleman with the dashing haircut.

The true villain is ourselves. Always has been and always will be until we attempt to be mindful of self, aware of others and of the demands of society. Which is why I wrote the books of the same title.

So when a central bank starts buying the pension products that retirees are selling but that workers cannot afford. Then that is a pension crisis. Ten years on, nobody appears to care. Unfortunately, carrying on will mean that the workers are going to have to work far harder and far longer than the retirees ever did for less and less and less. This will make vast numbers of workers increasingly angrier. To maintain control of its increasingly aggressive population, war is usually started. This gives people a target for their anger.

Again, this is most unfortunate. Can we do anything to prevent this? Yes, try and understand my trilogy of books.

Then we can realise that the retirees have bought pension products, in good faith, rather than actually critically thinking. The workers work, having full faith and confidence in their own government and currency, again with little critical thought.

Fundamentally, this is a question of belief. Without critical thought, men will gladly march to their deaths rather than admit that their lifelong beliefs are simply fairy tales for non critically thinking adults.

Read my trilogy of books and belief in yourself. Your world will then change dramatically. You will start to become the you that you dream of.

Anyway, you have a think. Not about pensions or government. Have a think about becoming an actual human being rather than being unduly influenced and controlled by your inner monkey.

To summarise, you not understanding who you actually are is the biggest obstacle to world peace and mankinds development. Not Putin, Trump, Clinton or the western worlds pension crisis.

Remembering know that how you respond to a crisis is who you actually are. You can be who you would like to be. Initially, this means six months effort and reading my trilogy. Then your remaining lifetime of practice. Do it for yourself, do it for your children, do it for mankind, do it for your God.