30 August, 2024

There is no alternative

I humbly suggest that the way 'we' do things is not the only way 'we' could do things. Therefore, it should be easy for me to describe an obvious alternative but can I?

I have recently bought a boat and I now live in it on the UK canal network. 2,200 miles of conected waterways. Let us imagine 10 women, who also live on boats and have decided to travel together. That should not be difficult to imagine. These women have now formed a community. This is what I believe most women do, they naturally form communities.

If women form communities, what do men do? Men like to build things and do useful things. Capable men would likely be allowed into this community. They would service, repair, upgrade and maintain the boats.

It wouldn't be much of a surprise if some of the women became pregnant and birthed children.

This is the core of an alternative to what we currently have. Not everyone living on boats but you can perhaps see how new communities could develop. 

 Justice and order would evolve organically and naturally as disputes, disagreements and different opinions are settled from a community perspective.

There would be many communities with each member free to come and go as they please.

That is the natural order of things.

You can perhaps imagine how some communities would grow quite large and others remain small. Local governments could form and disband as they are and aren't needed. National Governments could form but with quite limited powers relative to a normal man, woman or child.


What we have is quite unnatural. The Government 'appears' to have all the power which is quite the illusion. I won't mention 'sovereignty' again but that would apply to our 'new' communities.

My suggestion to women is, go create and join some communities that you enjoy being part of.

To men I suggest you become physically fit and useful, then be very wary of which communities you join. Making sure that you are both welcome and respected, for the value that you add.

To everyone, I suggest that anyone exerting any power over you be held fully accountable for their actions and you ought to insist that they explain why they incorrectly believe that they hold any power over you.

Be polite and respectful but also firm if you feel comfortable with being assertive.

That's it. Get your mindset sorted and live a natural life. You need not wait for anyone else to do it first.