30 January, 2023

Standing up to a Mob

The Mob

Currently, we have lots of Mobs and they like to target people and perhaps have them cancelled. One such person is Bret Weinstein. I am sure he mentioned ‘facing a mob’ in this vlog; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzJwWCKowDY

Bret’s change of mind around standing up to the mob (from Livestream #158)

A Mob is a group of people who are physically close to you and are not behaving politely. This group like to assert control over us without bothering with facts or logic. Once a Mob has formed they behave no differently to the 15% of us who also like to assert control over others. These 15% are described brilliantly, exhaustively and entertainingly by H G Tudor on YouTube. No-one else comes close. Society lags H G by decades.

The point is, you do NOT argue with a Mob. You do not use logic or facts to deflate a Mob. All tactics simply enrage the Mob.

You could confront the Mob, please don’t. This is a highly charged situation and death or severe injury is a likely result. Unless, of course, you are prepared to quickly kill or maim whoever is the closest.

Standing up to the Mob is recommended. In order to do this you must understand that a Mob thinks and acts with ‘one mind’. Complex logical arguments and detail are beyond this ‘one mind’. The Mob feeds on and amplifies emotion. Do not give them any. A cold hard stare is your best form of defence against such a group of people. Do NOT answer any questions. Feel free to ask a simple question but only if you can do it without emotion. Most importantly, don’t react to the answer. Then walk away, stand silently or calmly summon help. Whatever works best for you as you are the only responsible adult in the area.

The energy of a Mob is intoxicating for its members but without an emotional response from their target, the Mob is starved and dies.

Anyway, give this some (critical) thought.