28 December, 2022

Predictions for 2023


More of the same?

Some say that a group of psychopaths are intent on ruling the world. We must be very careful when describing such a scenario.

Obviously, Bill Gates, Fauci, the WEF and others do have plans to save humanity. The young girl, Greta, is very passionate about saving humanity and where her thoughts overlap with the others, she is heavily promoted. People who hold opposing views are not heavily promoted.


What we actually have is a society which is largely made up of normal, pleasant human beings who fail to notice the other 15% who are not normal, pleasant human beings. That is quite a bold claim and I ask that you practice critical thought and assume that this is and isn’t true. Spend some time considering it.

The 15% are also unaware that they are not normal, pleasant human beings. The big difference between these two basic types of people is that one set continually attempt to assert control over others. These people are NOT psychopaths or sociopaths. Society fails to identify this type of person correctly both generally and specifically.

The Future

Bill Gates, Fauci, the WEF and others do believe that they have plans to save humanity. They could be right or they could be wrong. Unfortunately, they are unaware that what they really seek is control over others. These type of people, 15% of us all, are not logical creatures. They just seek control over others.

More of the same?

If we continue to be largely unaware of this quite simple ‘truth’, then the general population will continue to be worried about ‘Climate Emergencies’ and other ‘hot button’ topics. We will be happy, own nothing and not have petrol or diesel vehicles. Or we might be cold and hungry, who can know such things.

Something new?

Collectively, we need to be able to spot the 15% of us that continually assert control over others. Remembering that these people are not concerned about reality, truth, others or what they may have said merely moments before. 15% of us simply seek control in the moment. No amount of control will ever sate their innate need to assert control over others.


I find observing those who assert control over others, fascinating. (Sometimes annoying.)

I find observing those who assert control over society, fascinating. (Sometimes annoying.)