03 March, 2022

Why so quiet?

Bill Gates and the WHO appear to have no opinion on the Ukrainian incident. The World Economic Forum, the IMF have nothing to say about the merging of Russia and Ukraine.


These people have an agenda, they seek to share dominion over the world. I say dominion but they say ‘shape’ or some other neutral word.


They will say something when the dust settles that forwards their agenda. What they will never do is have an opinion or position that could be seen as wrong. If the population repeatedly see them fail or be wrong then they will never be allowed to control / shape our reality.


After the fact, the above groups will state what they would have done or could have done, if they only were part a new Global Government. The majority will agree and that is by design.


This is not a conspiracy theory but something that I have noticed. I have also noted how poor the worlds governments covid response was and as that fizzles out Macron and Putin started having chats.


Both Putin and Macron are former World Economic Forum Leadership program participants. It occurs to me that Putin may be part of forwarding the World Economic Forum ‘shaping’ agenda. He may be fully aware of his role, not be aware that he is being manipulated or attempting to thwart the World Economic Forums ‘shaping’ agenda.


So, no conspiracy theory there either because I don’t know or care. Did I make a point? My point is that these people who would be kings want power without responsibility or accountability. These people wish power but do not use the power they already have for the betterment of mankind but they WILL if we gave them far more power. Really? Logically, these would be kings do not make any sense but they are not aware of their own illogic. For clarity, these would be kings are Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.


The lack of awareness in these people is what I find unbelievable and that is why I wrote three short books about awareness, it really is that important that mankind grasps the concept of awareness. Once you are sensitive to awareness you will understand what you see and hear with far more clarity.


So, what is my take on the Ukrainian conflict? I don’t have one. I am watching to see how the World Economic Forum, IMF and Bill Gates use it to forward their ‘shaping the world’ agenda.


My question is simple, are you a big fan of Klaus and Bill running your life? Is Putin part of the new world order / Great Reset / ‘shaping society’ or attempting to stop it?

Plenty there to consider and even if these ‘Leaders’ want a thing is doesn’t mean that they will get that thing.

The ‘War’ is not simply Ukraine and Russia, we are and have been in a world war for at least twenty years. Not that ‘hot’ yet but warming a little. I suppose that I should explain myself but like Putin, I don’t care too. I suggest that you attempt to increase your awareness and critical thought faculties, as best you can. Or at least have some fun, when circumstances allow.

I have just had a lovely meal and watched Chris Martenson Economic Warning YouTube vlog from / by Peak prosperity. I did that for a reason. I mentioned this for a reason too.

We are about to have some amazing financial shocks based on the planets inability to provide sufficient GROWTH in energy / oil supply. This is going to hit us all, except the billionaires, very hard indeed. Very hard. Putin and the response to Putin is bringing this forward by two weeks.

I expect the World Economic Forum and the IMF have a rescue plan. This plan is the Great Reset, which is not a conspiracy theory as I read about it on the World Economic Forums website.

The main problem for the World Economic Forum is whether or not Putin is still their man but a skilled man does not need luck.

Putin is a skilled man and Klaus Schwab is not.

The future is hard to predict but what is coming is obvious. Our societal system is not sustainable because of its flaw / feature of being unsustainable. Klaus wants the game to start again with him ‘shaping’ our collective futures.

Putin is playing a different game. The game will start again but Putin is going to change the initial conditions. Well, he is giving it his best shot.

If I am right, the coming pain will be worth it. If I am wrong, the coming pain will endure for generations.

Well, that was a little intense and heavy. Now is the time to engage any awareness you posses.