29 January, 2022

Bret Weinstein asks, 'What just happened?'

I mention Bret as he inspired me to write this piece. He also asks, 'Who are they?' and 'Can we prevent this happening again but far faster and far worse?'. If you don't know, he is referencing the last two years of Covid pandemic response.

I am happy to answer these three very important questions, in this one blog post. If you aren't familiar with his DarkHorse podcast clips then please do consider searching them out on YouTube.

Before I start, this is just a demonstration of Critical Thought at 'my level', whatever that is.

Another caveat is that I will be mentioning Bill Gates. Now, I am not judging his intentions. I have no idea what his intentions are. I am not judging his ability to critically think, be self aware or have any awareness whatsoever about the unintended consequences of how he directs the flow of his wealth. He is perhaps just unlucky or I am simply wrong. He has the human right to be wrong as do I.

Let us start with who 'they' are. Easy, 'they' are Bill Gates and he manages this by flowing wealth to key points within the system known as Society. Research this yourself as I cannot be bothered to do this, at my expense. An unintended consequence of this is the lack of critical thought aimed at Bill Gates and his foundation from those receiving this flow of wealth. He is buying a great deal of goodwill and multiplying his influence on the world fairly easily.

Due to this influence the pandemic response was largely orchestrated by Bill Gates. In answer to the question, ‘What just happened?’, we reacted exactly as Bill Gates wished us to.

My question would be, was the Covid virus as dangerous as Bill feared? This is key because the pandemic response was appropriate if the virus was as deadly as we originally feared. The UK has recently stated that of the 150,000 UK covid deaths, 17,000 were from Covid in healthy under 65 year olds. These numbers indicate that the virus was far weaker than Bill Gates feared. Which means that our pandemic response was inappropriate. The first 2 week lock down gave us the time determine how deadly the virus was and those in power determined that the virus was deadly when the data actually indicated that it wasn’t.

Most of the human race, possibly including Bill Gates, don’t really understand how the world works. More specifically, most do not understand that complex systems are prone to reacting to simple inputs with unintended consequences. The Bill Gates Foundation gives grants to those who most embody the principles of the Gates foundation. That seems fair. Before funding a single epidemiologist, perhaps one hundred are interviewed, seeking out the one or two who are the best fit to the Gates ideology. These one or two then receive a flow of wealth that their peers do not get. The societal power of those receiving the wealth grows. Thus Bill grows his influence in a legal and ethical manner. What could possibly go wrong? Well, you have witnessed what could go wrong for two years. A pandemic response that is not proportionate to the pandemic threat.

Perhaps I need to further explain why the pandemic threat was low. Very few healthy children and adults died. The average age of a covid death is higher than the average UK life expectancy. More young people have killed themselves than covid did. 5 times more.

That is not a full explanation and never will be. I have indicated why the response was so severe from a pandemic expert point of view. Many vocal and well listened too experts have access to Gates Foundation wealth. The Press also helped tremendously with pumping up the fear because this sells newspapers. What about the medical press? Again, lots of Gates Foundation Wealth finds its way into medical researchers pockets who share Bills fear of global pandemics. Lots of Bills wealth goes to the press of all flavours. Lots of wealth flows, from Bill into politicians follies. This all amplifies Bill Gates opinions and fears. One of which is, most likely, a global pandemic.

I hope that gives some indication as to how Bill Gates generosity may lead to an unintended consequence of a global over reaction to a virus. No bad players or ill intentions are required from anyone for this to have happened. None.

Yes but… There will be a great many ‘yes but’ questions. Perhaps one is, ‘Why did so many world leaders join in?’. Well, they all have their reasons but they did join in with great vigour. That answers the question, ‘What just happened?’

Can we prevent this sort of thing happening again? Yes and no. Each of us needs to begin the long process of learning to critically think and whatever else my book titles, available at Amazon, suggest we need.

We learned nothing from the 2008 financial crash and this covid nonsense is largely a similar sort of opportunity for change, which we will largely ignore. Bill Gates will carry on spreading his fear of global pandemics to all, stating that this time we were lucky. Bill and I will probably disagree forever over whether we were lucky this time or treated appallingly by those paid by us to do their jobs for us.

Bret suggests we remove from power, people like ‘Fauci’. Great idea but people like ‘Fauci’ will disagree. This can be done, easily. I can do it. I strongly suggest that the human race does not walk down this path.

Let me give you some good news. Anyone can, on their own, prevent this type of thing happening again. Read my books and develop the seeds of wisdom in them. In essence, do not give your power away. Definitely do not give me the power to remove the ‘Fauci’ people from power. I can do it and I will do it if asked. This will violate my ‘do not give your power away’ rule. You will be violating it and not me, so that is your decision. I am happy to carry out your collective wishes.

Have I missed anything? Yes, loads.

Hello Heather, you are upset / concerned about those who will perform a gentle 180 degree turn on their covid beliefs and say that they ‘knew’ this wasn’t as bad as suggested all along. They will but these people, 1 in 7 of us, cannot help themselves. You might as well be upset that water is wet. Fauci is, on the balance of probabilities, a great example of the type of person who is never wrong. A person for who you are both wrong and rude to suggest that they are not brilliant people. These people seek power with far greater effort than a normal person. They are largely unaware of why they seek such power. These 1 / 7 people truly believe that they are right. Gates and Fauci are, in this aspect, identical.

A bit about me. Not important. I bashed at a keyboard writing utter nonsense for three hours and this rubbish was the result.

Bret and Heather, you take care, you are the good guys and always were. You cannot be anything else.