06 June, 2021

Summary of the books and the previous 200 blog posts

Obviously, I recommend you read all my books and then all the previous 200 blog posts. Just as obviously, this would be a large commitment of your time and energy.

Let us start with time, you waste, with pointless distractions, a great deal of your time. Not all of it, just a great deal of it. You have plenty of time to do as you wish.

Energy is probably the difficult one. I get home from work and the desire to crash on the settee is unavoidable. I freely give myself 30 minutes to do this. I distract myself with checking my emails and selecting YouTube videos to watch later.

The key to energy is simple and we call it food. So eat good food. I have suggested Keto in the past and intermittent fasting when that becomes a no-brainer. Some carbs are good but cut down on the processed crap that half of the American population call food because it isn’t.

After three months you body will look far better and you will have abundant energy and be wondering how best to spend this wealth.

Notice how I just called energy - ‘wealth’. Was this an error on my part? Possibly. Let us try critically thinking about it for a moment. Imagine your most gruelling day ever at work. You come home and you are exhausted. You order take out. You pour some expensive scotch down your throat and watch the latest blockbuster film, then the news, then bed. After a few weeks of this you will need a holiday. What if you had far more energy? How much would you pay for this energy? I think that it is called cocaine and is not especially expensive but not an ideal long term solution. Whereas eating properly is a long term solution.

With energy you can do more, think more and be more you ‘with energy’ rather than the you ‘without energy’. I see energy as wealth and dollars as a distraction. The news is a distraction and politics is the most distracting distraction there is.

The human body and human mind is inseparable and both need energy. The Bioneer stated that we could consider ourselves as an adaptable central nervous system. Let us go with this idea and state that good food gives us both physical and mental energy and that these two things are essentially the same. I am trying to bridge the gap between energy and meditation and failing.

Once we have more energy (physical and mental) we will have the same amount of time but we will be spending less of this time in an exhausted state. I suggest we invest some of this time meditating and we can start with a Mindful Body Scan.

Energy is wealth and we need to use this wealth to great effect. Stress wastes this energy wealth alarmingly quickly. Fine if a tiger is chasing us and not so good if the office printer is out of paper. Be aware of who and what causes you stress and use Meditation to think of ways that may reduce this stress. There are lots of different types of meditation and I suggest you make your own up. Simply use what works for you.

Your body also wastes a great deal of your energy wealth. Muscles will likely be tangled and knotted. Nerve pathways will be a tangled mess and your actual energy systems will be compromised. I am about to mention exercise, sorry.

Food, mediation and exercise. Obvious but who has the time? It is obvious for a reason. Society seems to be all about distracting us from that which is obvious.

Summarising this summary, you come home from work exhausted and spend several hours before bed ‘relaxing’ with distractions. Are you aware enough to know which of these distractions are not actually relaxing? Perhaps you are. Now imagine coming home from work and being full of energy considering what you would like to do? One version of you is poor (in terms of energy) and the other is wealthy as they have energy to spare.

How much would you pay to have more energy? How much wealth do you need to pay others to do that which you don’t have the energy for?

Exercise is a tricky thing to do properly. Do whatever you enjoy but developing an awareness of how the exercise is effecting you is a valuable ‘thing’ to acquire. Imagine you can tell, in real time, how the exercise you are doing is effecting your body. Again I am struggling to get to where I need to go. Before you can use your body effectively, before you can exercise you need to have an awareness of it. Very coarsely, I am referring to the mind-muscle link. You need to be able to contract each of your major skeletal muscles at will. I have struggled doing this with my triceps. Two years later, I can contract my triceps. Not each of the three tricep muscles individually but as a whole. Then I noticed that I rarely use the largest muscle in my body effectively. My glutes, so I am now working on those. That said, once you can direct your thought towards your muscles you can alternatively contract and relax them and this will untangle the muscle fibres and remove the knots. Your nerves will untangle too. Currently, I am teaching myself to walk properly. Thick soled shoes are not helping. Ideally, when walking, your feet send information back to your central nervous system and your muscles and other structures join in this conversation. Your central nervous system will enable you to walk in an energy efficient manner and determine which muscles need building up and where we need better blood flow and so on. Mindful walking will help as will walking on interesting terrain and up and down slopes. Once your central nervous system is functioning properly you will grow like a weed in response to weight lifting and respond very quickly to the challenges of jogging and any other physical activity. Your brain will also benefit and be able to learn quicker and respond faster.

Stress Management becomes a real-time skill as your central nervous system will be working properly and feedback from your body will be working with far more detail and accuracy than society would ever believe was possible.

In short, society distracts us from that which is true. Most of us are effectively distracted from using our own brain and body in it’s most basic configuration. A general member of society is both mentally and physically impaired. In simple terms, most people are stupid and weak. Imagine a future world where the best of us physically now is merely average. The best of us mentally now is just considered average in a generation? This is likely beyond the average persons imagination.

Anyway, this blog post is rapidly becoming a distraction for me. I won’t be editing it and I wrote it in one take. I have plenty of energy to do that which I choose to do. I have organised my thoughts and that was the purpose of writing this post.

If you gain anything from this, then that is down to you and well done.