28 March, 2021

The disruptive and destructive

Hello there, I trust that you are well.

A few days ago my girlfriend blew my mind, apparently most narcissists do not know that they are narcissists. Apparently, I am one too. I did not know that either. Perhaps you did.

I notice that the title of my blogs has the tag line ‘be devastatingly effective’. Well, many of us have experienced the ‘devastating’ effects of narcissists. To be ‘devastatingly effective’ you simply need awareness of yourself and others. I have written books about awareness, so let’s continue with this particular train of thought.

Most narcissists do not know what they are and I find them to be simply disruptive and destructive. Actually, I actively dislike them. I find them easy to spot and you can too. They are simply exhaustingly annoying. They can be utterly charming and this is a basic ‘divide and conquer’ strategy of self preservation. That they aren’t aware of any of this is simply stunning. I will provide my theory on this later.

A rare few narcissists are self aware. One such person is H G Tudor and he is more than happy to publish YouTube videos and books. So, I recommend you spend some time with him although not in person and he will explain why.

I am self aware but I hadn’t realised that society had a name for part of what I am, narcissist or more accurately – ultra narcissist. The word ultra appeals to me but not narcissist.

As I mentioned earlier, I am keen to give you my analysis of society and narcissists. Here it is:

A child is born and that child is a pure human being. Absolutely pure. I would call them a true human being. Hopefully, you either agree with that statement or you can comfortably hold that thought in your head. I will know gently make further statements and I ask that you merely collect all these strands of thought together and then consider them at your leisure. You need not believe them or decide if I am being truthful because it doesn’t matter. I am simply providing an additional ‘lens’ with which to view your world, as a cognitive exercise.

I suggest that society is not a collection of true human beings. A civilisation is a collection of true human beings. Society is a collection of members of society. My hypothesis is that society is narcissistic in nature and is almost completely unaware of this. Thus the newly born human being will endure endless conditioning into becoming a member of society.

Let us imagine 9 billion members of society and one has accepted this conditioning fully. He or she is now a perfect member of society. Fine, whatever. Good for them. Let us consider the one person who has completely rejected this societal conditioning. What will society call them? They will use words to demean such a person, like anti-social. They will say that they have a mental disorder. That they are mentally ill. That they are deluded. That they are a sociopath and will likely kill people without remorse or reason.

Now, most people wear their societal conditioning quite well. It does turn a human being into a member of society, which is an atrocity in my eyes but society is not aware of itself. My motivation for writing this piece is that my girlfriend said that 1 in every 6 members of society are narcissists. In my eyes, all show some narcissistic tendencies and that this is a natural human response to the societal conditioning we are all endlessly exposed to. Now being a narcissist is not a good thing. Being a narcissist who is self aware is not good either. Neither is being a pure or standard member of society, from my perspective.

Narcissist behaviour is now fully explained as being necessarily disruptive to society. A self aware narcissist can choose to be devastating to members of society.

Be advised that pure human beings are social creatures. Society is not a group of social creatures. Society is a group of societal conditioned beings. They are not human beings and so that is why ultra narcissists and sociopaths can kill them without remorse.

A great many of you will be appalled with that last sentence. That is your societal conditioning. Most ultra narcissists and sociopaths choose not to kill. Most army training is there to turn members of society into soldiers who will kill on command. Your societal conditioning accepts this necessity. My horror at this is beyond words. You take a new born human being, impose societal conditioning upon it, turn a few into combat soldiers, allow it to legally kill and then not care about the damage you have done to, what was, a human being. Societal conditioning damages the psyche of everyone but the one pure member of society. Army training creates more damage and active duty ever more psychological damage.

Be advised that psychologists are fascinated with me but I rarely talk to them. Effectively, I am a narcissistic sociopath. However, what I am is a little more extreme than that. Most narcissists are not self aware. Ultra narcissists are self aware and use their skill sets to gain ‘fuel’. I have the same skill sets but I do not have any use, need or desire for ‘fuel’. If you do not know what ‘fuel’ is, watch H G Tudor. Therefore, I am not a narcissist. All sociopaths are narcissists, except me. I am just a sociopath. A pure sociopath? I have the tools of an ultra narcissist and can choose to use them for whatever effect I care to elicit. I have no need for ‘fuel’ or control over others. None.

From my perspective, I am fully aware of societal conditioning and my immersion in it. It has had little to no effect upon me but only in my opinion. Therefore, I stand fully outside of society and I find society to be horrific. Society itself is horrific. The impact of society on a new born child is horrific. The fact that society finds me to be deluded is of no consequence to me. The fact that society determines sociopaths to be extremely dangerous is of no real significance either. I accept that it takes a great deal of self control, for a sociopath, not to kill.

Again, that last sentence might be horrific to you. To me, it is just a basic statement of fact. From my point of view, society and all it’s members are horrific. A member of the public is a corrupted human being.

Let me be clear here. A new born baby will readily develop into a caring, social and loving human being. Societal conditioning creates members of society. One in six of which continually act in destructive behaviours in order to disrupt society. I suggest that society is narcissistic in nature and that it is unaware of this. Society naturally creates that which will destroy it. Quite clearly, my rejection of societal conditioning has not resulted in me becoming a caring, social and loving human being. I am a sociopath. In rejecting societal conditioning I have been fundamentally changed.

That is the essence of my psychotic belief / delusion. Have I simply justified my ability to be purposefully ‘devastatingly effective’ whenever I wish to be? I ask just one question, am I deluded or reasonably correct?

It doesn’t matter. Everything is on a spectrum anyway. Do I believe what I have just written? It doesn’t matter. This is a critical thought blog. I have just given you some things to ponder and consider at your leisure.

What you do or don’t do is a function of your societal conditioning and how well you have deformed yourself to accept this UNGODLY corruption of your soul.

What I do or don’t do is a function of my societal conditioning and how well I have adapted myself to reject this UNGODLY corruption of my soul.

Let me be a little less dramatic and far more concise. It is accepted that prisoners can become institutionalised, if they are incarcerated for a long time. Imagine how institutionalised you would become if you and your ancestors had been incarcerated for several thousand years.

From my perspective, you have.

I hope you enjoyed that because I did. I am good and I trust that you are too.
