09 June, 2019

Conquering Cancer and Defeating Diabetes

Text copyright © 2019 David Roy Watkinson
All Rights Reserved

This blog post is dedicated to the general advancement of humanity

A cure for Cancer

The book, Noticing Sigma, is finished but I thought an example as to what Sigma ought to notice would be of interest.

Western Society has a disease which is rampant. My best friend at school got a form of it and died. I was told what had happened and that was that. At work a customer was given 6 months to live and I was horrified. Particularly as he kept working and so I kept seeing him, face to face. Then my partners mum got the disease and slowly at first and then quickly, deteriorated and died. Then my Auntie got it and has very recently passed. She has inspired this addition to my book as well as the research, I cannot thank her enough and now I cannot thank her at all.

As sad as this is for me personally, I have noticed a trend. This disease is getting closer and closer to me. I suspect my partner will get it next and / or then me. The start of two week research into cancer begins.

Western society is seeking a cure for cancer in the form of a pill or treatment that can be readily supplied by the health industry. Society has been seeking this solution for over one hundred years. Modesty aside, it has taken me two weeks.

As far as I know, 30% of us will get cancer and nobody really discusses it. So, forgive me for doing so, as this does breach society rules. We are all full of cells, at the end of life each cell dies and is recycled by the body. This is natural and not to be feared. Some cells fail to die and we call these cells cancerous. A clump of billions of cancerous cells is called a tumour.

As we all know these cancerous cells start to take over at the expense of our health. The cancer spreads, slowly at first but then increasingly faster. A cancerous cell does nothing good for us unlike the trillions of non-cancerous cells.

Ideally, we ought to encourage our cells to die at the appropriate time. Intermittent fasting helps this process of end of life cell death and recycling. I now eat two meals per day in one eight hour window. For me this means no breakfast, no mid-morning snack, a large lunch, no mid-afternoon snack and a large evening meal and going to bed without supper. So, six meals a day has been reduced to just two. Note that calorie intake is not restricted, just the time of eating.

During fasting the body is forced to become more efficient so the end of life cells are more readily recycled. During fasting the body releases various hormones to prevent muscle loss and this fasting also allows the digestive system to have a rest.

If you choose to do the same then you will be eating in a manner that the body is designed to eat. Your body will work with you to become stronger, fitter and leaner. At the end of life, cells will be recycled and cancer slowed to a stall.

That is part one of my researched cancer cure. Basically, don’t allow cancer to get out of control and I have explained how.

There is a part two and if used in conjunction with part one is likely to be incredibly beneficial health wise, not just in terms of not dying from a cancer.

Now, cancer cells love glucose. One common test for cancer involves injecting you with radioactive glucose and seeing where it ends up. Cancer cells can only live on glucose and consume 10 – 12 times more glucose than a healthy cell. This test readily reveals where the billions of cancer cells are currently based.

Now, this tells us that feeding glucose to cancer cells is not a good idea. If we could deprive cancer cells of glucose then they die. Unfortunately, cancer cells do not wish to die, they wish to thrive. Thus cancer cells promote metabolic processes to turn our muscles into glucose. This explains why many people with cancer are seen to waste away, slowly at first and then far more quickly.

Most of our calories come from carbohydrates with a modest amount of protein and some fat. Cancer loves this diet, particularly if we eat three high carbohydrate meals a day interspersed with high carbohydrate snacks.

Our bodies will always have some cancerous cells. A few cells that have failed to be recycled early enough and this is not a problem. If we fast, we encourage the recycling process. I fast daily for 16 hours. This helps my body to implement a thorough recycling programme which will help prevent an accumulation of cancerous cells.

Now, part two of my cancer cure involves not feeding cancerous cells. Which means not eating carbohydrates. No rice, no pasta, no potatoes, no bread, no pizza and no soda drinks. Without access to glucose a cancer cell cannot grow. Without glucose a cancer cell dies and is recycled.

After ten days of not eating carbohydrates I am still alive and well, so my healthy cells must be able to get energy from somewhere. Astonishingly, our healthy cells are dual fuel capable. Incredibly, our natural fuel source is fat and not carbohydrates. For 99% of mankind's existence we have eaten ‘naturally’. This means a nice piece of fish or meat, some edible leafy plants, nuts, berries and the bulk of our calories from fat. I would imagine that animals would provide a great deal of our fat. Animals that are completely free range who eat other plants or animals that are not subject to pesticides and gmo nonsense.

I started to rant but hopefully you got the key message. Human beings rarely eat carbohydrates, whereas western civilisation society has us eating mostly carbohydrates.

I eat lean meat and fish, leafy vegetables, eggs, butter, olive oil and coconut oil. For dessert, I have strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, a few nuts with whipped double cream. I will start eating very fatty meats and fish when I discover a ‘natural’ source of them.

As far as cancerous cells are concerned, they have NOTHING to eat and will just die. I am eating a normal amount of protein, no carbohydrates and lots of high quality fats. This is not the traditional western society diet but it is what our bodies have adapted to for 99% of our time on this blue and green bauble.

Western society does not have a cure for cancer but I have just given you one. Intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet.

Perhaps you are already riddled with cancer. Stop eating carbohydrates. This buys you time to regain your health, strength and vitality. Try eating one, two or three times a day. Whichever you feel happy with. Eat tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel smothered in MCT oil with a few leafy vegetables like spinach. This is perhaps not the best time to change your diet but it is do or die time. In time try some very expensive fatty meats. Eggs are your friend as is high quality butter. Dairy might be difficult so try not eating it and swapping out butter for ghee.

Unfortunately, I would guess that the damage caused by the cancer will not be survivable. However, perhaps you have been given 3 – 6 months to live. On chemo or some such like these will be ‘uncomfortable’ months of low quality life. Embrace my two part cure (with lots of internet research) and expect 2 – 3 years. More than half of which will be both active and ‘comfortable’.

You must find what works for you. With luck, effort and enhanced personal awareness you may find that you outlive your cancer and die of something else entirely, up to and including ‘old age’.
It must be said that your Doctor is unlikely to allow you to refuse carbohydrates. He will use his power to hook you up to a glucose drip. This is the evil that men do without understanding.

On a cheerier note, you will likely need a meal with carbohydrates in it, from time to time. I know of one chap whose joints ache when his body requires a meal inclusive of carbohydrates. This isn’t once a week or even once per month but it does happen, just not regularly.

There are a range of health benefits to eating as suggested above. I see it as eating like our ancestors did for 99% of our history. Fat lazy animals wandering about eating ‘organic’ leafy vegetables. Other slightly less lazy animals eating other animals. Fish filling every stream and pond. Nuts and berries growing all around, changing with the seasons. Our bodies are genetically coded to such food stuffs.

I mentioned cancer but this two part programme also reduces heart disease, normalises insulin and cholesterol levels along with promoting strength, vitality, energy levels, normalising mood, reducing stress, increasing our cognitive abilities, enhance focus, ability to critically think, improving skin and nail condition as well as making our hair silkier and shinier.

However, unless you have read all my books and developed mindfulness, meditation, manifestation, a Sigma mind-set and Sigma noticing skills, then you will find reason enough not to entertain the idea that I found a cure for cancer in under two weeks. Something society has failed to do in over a century.

I will end my rant before I start it, you take care.

Final words of wisdom

I had no right to take you on a journey of awareness but I felt compelled to do so. My journey has not ended, just this blog and my writing career.

Currently I am becoming far more aware of ‘inflammation’ in my body and how detrimental this is physically, emotionally and mentally. ‘Insulin resistance’ is also new to me and I feel compelled to deal with both inflammation and insulin resistance.

Intermittent Fasting and a ketogenic diet helps with both insulin resistance and inflammation. When both are done simultaneously, the results are multiplied.

The change of diet has had an unimagined and significant impact upon my mood. I was quick to anger and no stranger to violence. Now, there is no anger and violence is a choice rather than a reaction.

‘Free from fear’ and ‘fit for life’ – these are the gifts you are looking for.


I am now five weeks into intermittent fasting on a ketogenic diet. My mood has been commented on by many. Apparently, my mood is now considered to be 'good'.

The clarity of my thoughts is my personal favourite enhancement.

For many, my weight loss might be the headline act. The first four weeks saw the loss of one stone. An average weight loss of half a pound per day. This is the equivalent of 1700 calories. I wasn't pleased so for the last week I have eaten as much as possible. Listening intently to what my taste buds are seeking and noticing which foods I am particularly enjoying eating.

I don't count calories but my food consumption is excessive. I intended to stop my weight loss so needed to close the 1700 calorie deficit. The reward for this gluttony was the loss of one half of a stone. You read that right, my half pound a day weight loss has increased to one pound per day.

The numbers were, 12.5 stones for several years. 11.5 stones after 4 weeks and 11 stone after a week of gluttony.

Well, I mentioned my clear thinking earlier so allow me to 'explain' what has happened.

Carbohydrates put the body into 'crisis' mode. A powerful hormone (insulin) floods the system to remove the dangerously high blood sugar levels. After fifty years of 'crisis' my blood sugar levels are now where they should be. My body is not in 'crisis' and can now start to repair half a century of damage.

For the last week I have consumed a decent amount of protein but far greater amounts of high quality fats. I believe these fats have all been used as building blocks for repair. None used for energy. My body has likely taken all required energy calories from my bodies fat stores. It needed 3,500 daily and so I have lost around one pound of body fat, each day. No exercise was done during this week. It appears that 'repair' uses a great deal of energy / calories.

I have eaten a great deal of food but my appetite has lead the way. One night, I was so hungry that I ate two large meals before I felt satiated. Perhaps I ought be worried but I am not.

My body is letting me know when it is hungry and what it wants to eat and how much. I am just acting in harmony with my digestive and hormonal systems. I am no longer in 'crisis' mode and as my hormones normalise and harmonise my body weight and composition will reach its genetic potential without 'additional and unnecessary' effort.

I would guess that I am probably heading towards ten stone at ten percent body fat. As a man, this does feel daunting but I truly am expecting my body to naturally acquire an additional two stones of muscle, fairly quickly too.

From 12.5 stone at 30% body fat
To perhaps 10 stone at 10% body fat
Eventually, 12 stone at 10% body fat  :-)

Anyway, what will be will be. Currently, I am in the best condition of my life. Fitter at fifty than 25 is awesome.

I'll let you know -


OK that's me done. The writing of the books and the blog helped me develop my thoughts but now this task is simply slowing me down. But for the interested, do read on to the end.

At six weeks I weigh 11 stone, as I did at week five. This is because I wished it so. If I eat 900 calories of pork scratchings in addition to my keto food, I gain a little weight. If I eat 450 calories of pork scratchings in addition to my keto food, my weight is unchanged. If the cat and I share a few pork scratchings, all else being equal then I lose a little weight.

One week ago I bought a body tape measure and instantly measured my biceps. I don't know why but I measured them again one week later. I was stunned to discover I was 1/8 inch bigger. I haven't started to train yet!

What I do next is entirely my own business but thanks for reading this post.

Anyone wishing more can contact me and we can discuss a mutually beneficial exchange of value. If you don't now how to contact me directly then you haven't read all my books and I see little point in reading them to you.

I'll finish with a parable that I hope is original but likely isn't.

A drowning man is of no use to anyone