The consequences of the 'bank credit is money fairy tale' is multi-layered, vast and beyond the imagination of most of the current crop of people inhabiting this blue bauble.
The main consequences, in my opinion, is that we rely far too much on the imagined / imaginary wealth of the financial system and the imagined / imaginary power of governments.
The perceived wealth of the financial system is just not there. All the wealth is in the hands and minds of the people. The 'bank credit is money' fairy tale is a simple confidence trick.
The perceived power of the government's is not there either. All the power is in the hands and minds of the people. The governments power is based upon the wealth they take from us without our consent, awareness or knowledge. Should we decide not to believe that bank credit is money, their main support mechanism ends. The notion that Trump / Obama / Bush / Clinton / daddy Bush are or were the most powerful people on earth is beyond belief. As is the idea that some 'shadow' government really has all the power. Both are fairy tales. All the power is in the hands of the people. All of it. I am more powerful than Trump or the Clinton woman. Far more powerful. You were born to be far more than you believe yourself to be. Far, far more.
So, our entire concept of the 'real world' is based on a fairy tale. The fairy tale being that bank credit is money. This has allowed for the massive development of our society and the huge institutions embedded within it. A grand and noble endevour built upon sand.
The cost to each individual member of society is grievous. Our individual development into true human beings, mindful beings, fully aware conscious and almost angelic beings is simply thwarted. We are conditioned to the notion that bank credit is money and that those in authority know best.
Yet, we all know that those in authority are not Gods, they do not know best. Half of America thinks Trump is ruining their country. The other half believe that Clinton would ruin their country. Both are correct, it is their country. Allowing either deluded being to control vast amounts of wealth is stupidity beyond my ability to conceive. Yet, that is your 'real world'.
Your 'real world' is a fairy tale designed to constantly feed and agitate our inner monkey / ancient portions of our human brain. Thus the development of a society where our inner monkey can be dominant and controlled by the few to their own advantage. This is what we call a society. This is the 'real world' of almost seven billion beings.
There is a better choice. Obviously, there is a choice. We can choose not to believe that bank credit is money. We can choose to control our inner monkey and develop our humanity. Each of us, contains the ability to rise above those the christian cultures call Angels.
This is the plan of the universe / God. We are all of the universe. The universe / God exists within us all.
I mentioned God and Angels, feel free to use other terms that you are more comfortable with. My belief system is my own. I only ask that you believe in yourself. There is no need to believe in me, none.
Executive Summary
Those who perceive themselves to be in authority are both deluded and dangerous.
If you do not believe that you outrank an Angel, you have not sufficiently contained your inner monkey and developed your humanity. Or you are a psychopath. 2% of us are. They have a place in a civilisation but should not be granted any power in a society / our 'real world'.
In case you were wondering. I mostly don't feel Angelic. I do have my moments, these moments are occurring more frequently and lasting longer. The word happy is too mundane a word to describe the reality of it.
You take care and do start your journey soon