02 November, 2018

Sigma view of MGTOW - an epiphany

For those who are unaware, MGTOW is a movement of men going their own way. I have looked into MGTOW and they seem to have confused two key concepts.

1) Many MGTOW are just the male opposites of the whiney female feminists. As feminists are openly hostile to men, many MGTOW are openly hostile to women.

The more society advances, the more brittle it becomes. Feminists and MGTOW are born of society and will unintentionally destroy it.

2) A small percentage of men classed as MGTOW are actually male Sigma.

A male Sigma is not a member of society or the opposite of a whiney feminist. Male Sigmas are most comfortable doing their own thing, whatever that may be, regardless of how others view it.

I would encourage MGTOW and feminists to read my trilogy. That said, all men ought to be Sigma as should all women. Then we can all live in an actual civilisation rather than the unreal illusion that society has us believe is the real world.

Recently, I viewed a youtube clip that answered a question that I had been wrestling with for nearly four decades.


Then a lighter clip.


The answer is that men need / want / desire respect.

Women need / want / desire love.

As a man, this made a great deal of sense to me. I had tried 'loving' everyone but this has been difficult and success limited.

Respecting everyone is far easier, at least for me - a Sigma Male. However, the first person that you need to actively respect is yourself. Which in my case, is me. Work has been intense for a couple of months and I have become unable to manage the increased work-load. Today, I deliberately 'respected myself' and that respect flowed freely. I also managed, inadvertently, to respect my colleagues too. At the beginning of lunch I quietly informed my colleagues that I might not come back. I left work, bought some sandwiches and walked calmly to a nearby lake. I gave no thought whatsoever to returning to work and enjoyed my lunch. Two things caused me to return to work, I was cold and after eating, wished to clean my teeth. Even back at work, I still hadn't decided that I was going to stay. I was happily surprised that my Boss and the Office Coordinator were doing my job for me. They informed me as to what they had done and not done and then they quietly returned to their own jobs. It was in that moment that I decided to stay. (Two colleagues spending their own lunch hour doing my job for me was a kindness that I could not ignore.)

I hadn't felt stressed, frustrated or angry. Or rather, I had chosen to not feel stress, frustration or anger. I just acknowledged that I was in an impossible situation and that I was deciding whether or not to continue. I simply put myself first and not the work. I simply respected myself. I merely gave myself a choice, to continue to struggle or just go home.

I believe that this was a huge moment for me. From this freely flowing respect for myself, I gained the confidence to choose not to feel stress or frustration or anger. I became me.

I have had many moments of sensing my own power and even demonstrating it. I have spent many hours doing the unbelievable but now, I feel as though the unbelievable is now just who I am.

We shall see how long this lasts and if I allow anyone to undermine or destroy the 'me' I have always known I was and could be if it wasn't for 'everything' and 'everyone'.

The cat keeps meowing at me as I am typing and not sat with my girlfriend watching TV and drinking beer and whisky. That will come. I have cuddled the cat and put her outside. Last time this happened I shouted at the cat, this unsettled the girlfriend, which lead to an unpleasant argument. She didn't feel loved and I didn't feel respected. I simply felt anger, resentment and the rest. This is an example of the loop described by the cute twins in the second YouTube clip. They are both very perceptive and intelligent. I really enjoyed reading their sci-fi / fantasy  book.

What next?

I expect my life, although pleasant enough, will get far more satisfying.

Perhaps I ought to write a final book (about respect) but I doubt that I will.

Perhaps I will write some new posts but I have written enough.

As a Male Sigma, I have been searching for something and I believe that I have found it.


Respect is not commanded, demanded or asked for.

Respect flows like a stream from within to without.


This Epiphany came after two years of following the stuff I wrote about in my trilogy. Without that, I would not have had this. I hope you are reasonably successful in your (life) journey.

For a Female Sigma,


Love is not commanded, demanded or asked for.

Love flows like a stream from within to without.


Should the feminists and MGTOW actually become aware of themselves, others and the demands of society, then Heaven On Earth will be born from a true human civilisation. (A true human is Sigma.)

Be seeing you